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Korea Cardano Blockchain R&D Institute

Korea Cardano Blockchain R&D (KCB R&D) Institute

  • Location : Medical-Engineering Building 322
  • E-mail : swjung@konyang.ac.kr
  • Tel : 82-41-730-5597
  • Fax :

Introduction to KCB R&D Institute

Our KCB R&D institute strives to create a decentralized society based on the Cardano blockchain. We envision a society where individuals are respected, participants contribute, and fair rewards are given. The Korean Cardano Blockchain Research Institute works to establish and contribute Cardano blockchain in Korea and around the world.


  • 1st of May 2023Appointment of Professor Peter Seungwook Jung
  • 1st of April 2023Establishment of the Korean Cardano Blockchain R&D Institute

KCB R&D institute Plan

  • Collaboration with specialized Cardano company RedBlock to generate profits and achieve industry-academic collaboration.
  • Operation of the Cardano Expert Forum.
  • Development and promotion of Cardano Bridge services.
  • Development and promotion of Cardano wallet services MVP.
  • Development of Cardano educational programs.
  • Implementation of Cardano Blockchain Hackathons.