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연번 연구/발표논문 명
1 Seok-Joon Kwon, Dong Hee Na, Jong Hwan Kwak, Marc Douaisi, Fuming Zhang, Eun Ji Park, Jong-Hwan Park, Hana Youn, Chang-Seon Song, Ravi S. Kane, Jonathan S. Dordick, Kyung Bok Lee* and Robert J. Linhardt*, Nanostructured glycan architecture is important in the inhibition of influenza A virus infection NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 12, 48-56 (2016)
2 Jong Hwan Kwak, Zhigang Yang, Byungkwon Yoon, Yanxia He b, Soojin Uhm b,Hyeon-Cheol Shin, Bong Ho Lee, Yung Choon Yoo, Kyung Bok Lee*,Seung-Yun Han,* Jong Seung Kim, Blood-brain barrier-permeable fluorone-labeled dieckolsacting as neuronal ER stress signaling inhibitors Biomaterials 61, 52-60 (2015)
3 S, Yang Z, Kang EJ, Lee BH, Han SY, Yoo YC, Lee KB*, Kim JS*, Synthesis of rhodamine-labelled dieckol: itsuniqueintracellular localization and potentanti-inflammatory activity CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 50, 13045-13048 (2014)
4 Hye-Jin Choi, Jung-Hwan Park, Bong Ho Lee, Hee Youn Chee, Kyung Bok Lee, Sang-Muk Oh, Suppression of NF-kappa B by Dieckol Extracted fromEcklonia cava Negatively Regulates LPS Induction ofInducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene,APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 173, 4, 957-967 (2014)
5 Joo EJ, Weyers A, Li G, Gasimli L, Li L, Choi WJ, Lee KB*, Linhardt RJ*, Carbohydrate-Containing Moleculesas Potential Biomarkers inColon Cancer OMICS-A JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY 18.4 (2014)
6 Kwon SJ, Jeong EJ, Yoo YC, Cai C, Yang GH, Lee JC, Dordick JS, Linhardt RJ, Lee KB*, High Sensitivity Detection of Active Botulinum Neurotoxin by Glyco-Quantitative Polymerase Chain-Reaction ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 86 (5),2279?2284 (2013)
7 Y.-J. Jeong, C.-H. Kim, .C. Kim, S.-M. Oh, K.-B. Lee, J.-H. Park,* and D.-J. Kim,*, RIP2/RICK-Dependent Cytokine Production Upon Yersiniaenterocolitica Infection in Macrophages with TLR4 Deficiency SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 78(5) 401-407 (2013)
8 Weyers A, Yang B, Park JH, Kim YS, Kim SM, Lee SE, Zhang F, Lee KB*, Linhardt RJ*. Microanalysis of stomach cancer glycosaminoglycans GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL 30, 701-707 (2013)
9 Lee JY, Hwang EH, Kim DJ, Oh SM, Lee KB, Shin SJ, Park JH. The role of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1during cytokine production by macrophages in response toMycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Immunobiology pii: S0171-2985(15)30039-5 (2015)
10 Lee SH, Kim PH, Oh SM, Park JH, Yoo YC, Lee J, Park SR. SUMO Proteins are not Involved in TGF-β1-induced, Smad3/4-mediated Germline α Transcription, but PIASy Suppresses it in CH12F3-2A B Cells. Immune Netw. 14(6):321-7 (2014)
11 Choi HJ, Park JH, Lee BH, Chee HY, Lee KB, Oh SM. Suppression of NF-κB by dieckol extracted from Ecklonia cava negatively regulates LPS induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase gene. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 173(4):957-67 (2014)
12 Park JH, Jeong YJ, Won HK, Choi SY, Park JH, Oh SM, Activation of TOPK by lipopolysaccharide promotes induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase through NF-κB activity in leukemia cells. Cell Signal 26(5):849-56 (2014)
13 Jeong YJ, Kim CH, Kim JC, Oh SM, Lee KB, Park JH, Kim DJ. RIP2/RICK-dependent cytokine production upon Yersinia enterocolitica infection in macrophages with TLR4 deficiency. Scand J Immunol. 78(5):401-7 (2013)
14 Park JH, Yoon DS, Choi HJ, Hahm DH, Oh SM. Phosphorylation of IκBα at serine 32 byT-lymphokine-activated killer cell-originated protein kinase isessential for chemoresistance against doxorubicin in cervical cancer cells.J Biol Chem. 1;288(5):3585-93 (2013)
15 M Moon, H Song, HJ Hong, DW Nam, MY Cha, MS Oh, J Yu, H Ryu, I Mook-Jung. Vitamin D-binding protein interacts with Aβ and suppresses Aβ-mediated pathology, Cell death and differentiation, 20(4):630-8 (2013)
16 Miles Cunningham, Amanda Leung, Sandra Ahn, George Savvidis, Jun-Hyeong Cho, Minho Moon, Paula KJ Lee, Jason J. Han, Nima Azimi, Kwang-Soo Kim, Vadim Y. Bolshakov, and Sangmi Chung, hPSC-Derived maturing GABAergic interneurons ameliorate seizures and abnormal behavior in epileptic mice. Cell Stem Cell, 15(5):559-573 (2014)
17 Minho Moon, Inhye Jeong, Chun-Hyung Kim, Jihong Kim, Paula KJ Lee, Inhee Mook-Jung, Pierre Leblanc, and Kwang-Soo Kim, Correlation between Orphan Nuclear Receptor Nurr1 expression and Amyloid deposition in 5XFAD mice, an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease, Journal of Neurochemistry, 132(2): 254-262 (2015)
18 Wonil Lee*, Minho Moon*, Hyo Geun Kim, Tae Hee Lee, Myung Sook Oh (*Co-first author), The heat stress-induced memory impairment is associated with neuroinflammation in mice, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 12:102 (2015)
19 Seong Gak Jeon, Moonkyung Kang, Yeon-Soo Kim, Dong-Hyun Kim, Dong Woo Nam, Eun Ji Song, Inhee Mook-Jung, Minho Moon, Intrahippocampal injection of lentiviral vector expressing neurogranin enhances cognitive function in 5XFAD mice, Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 50, e461 (2018)
20 Seong Gak Jeon, Yong Jun Kim, Kyoung Ah Kim, Inhee Mook-Jung, Minho Moon, Visualization of Altered Hippocampal Connectivity in an Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease, Molecular Neurobiology, 1-14, (2018)
21 Seong Gak Jeon, Eun Ji Song, Dongje Lee, Junyong Park, Yunkwon Nam, Jin-il Kim*, Minho Moon*, Traditional Oriental medicines and Alzheimer’s disease, Aging and Disease, 10(20): 307-328 (2019)
22 Minho Moon*, Eun Sun Jung, Seong Gak Jeon, Moon-Yong Cha, Yongwoo Jang, Woori Kim, Claudia Lopes, Inhee Mook-Jung*, Kwang-Soo Kim* (*Co-corresponding author), Nurr1 (NR4A2) Regulates Alzheimer’s Disease-related Pathogenesis and Cognitive Function in the 5XFAD Mouse Model, Aging Cell, 18(1): e12866 (2019)
23 Seong Gak Jeon, Moon-Yong Cha, Jin-il Kim, Tae Woong Hwang, Kyoung Ah Kim, Tae Hyoung Kim, Ki Chang Song, Jwa-Jin Kim*, Minho Moon*, Vitamin D-binding protein-loaded PLGA nanoparticles suppress Alzheimer's disease-related pathology in 5XFAD mice. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 19;17:297-307 (2019)
24 Seong Gak Jeon, Sang Bum Hong, Yunkwon Nam, Jungyeon Tae, Anji Yoo, Eun Ji Song, Kun Il Kim, Dongje Lee, Junyong Park, Sang Min Lee, Jin-il Kim*, Minho Moon*, Ghrelin in Alzheimer's disease: pathologic roles and therapeutic implications. Ageing Research Reviews, Volume 55, 100945 (2019)
25 Seong Gak Jeon, Anji Yoo, Dong Wook Chun, Sang Bum Hong, Hyunju Chung, Jin-il Kim*, Minho Moon*, The critical role of Nurr1 as a mediator and therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease-related pathogenesis, Aging and Disease, 11(3):705-724 (2020)
26 Soo Jung Shin1, Yong Ho Park, Seong Gak Jeon, Sujin Kim, Yunkwon Nam, Sang-Muk Oh, Yong Yook Lee*, Minho Moon*, Red Ginseng Inhibits Tau Aggregation and Promotes Tau Dissociation In Vitro, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 7829842 (2020)
27 Ca2+ entry through reverse Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in NCI-H716, glucagon-like peptide-1 secreting cells. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 26(3):219-225, 2022.