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Rehabilitation & Welfare

Based on the founding principles of Konyang University: the pursuit of truth, creating history and serving humanity, the Rehabilitation & Welfare fosters and delivers rehabilitative education, and welfare and counseling specialists through the convergence of diverse studies.

Department of Counseling & Psychotherapy

Provides the first undergraduate course in ‘counseling and psychotherapy,’ this department specializes in the practice of therapy through counseling and the use of media art.

Major employment fields and companies

Annual graduate school entrance rate of 20 ~ 30%, employment rate of 60 ~ 70%, Ministry of Justice(correctional consultant), government institutes, counseling centers, Education Office/schools, hospitals/welfare centers.

Department of Social Welfare

The size and quality of social welfare in the Korean society is growing rapidly, and so is the demand for social workers for the future.

Major employment fields and companies

Social welfare officials, government social welfare facilities, social welfare organizations, and social welfare workers.

Department of Child Education

Adopting and practice of PBL & action learning classes.
The university’s 3 daycare centers (Gyeryong Sangrok, Yoonbit, Yeonmu Haengbok) and entrusted management of the Chungnam province Child Care Support Center allows various on-site training programs.
A very high employment rate of over 90%.

Major employment fields and companies

Nursery school teachers, disabled child care teachers, kindergarten teachers (10% of total), Public institutions/ researchers/ company Workplace daycare centers, public/ private daycare centers.

Department of Early Childhood Education

Department of education that grants second-grade teaching license in kindergarten and childcare upon graduation.
Operates field-oriented education courses in cooperation with the university’s kindergarten.

Major employment fields and companies

Public and private kindergarten teachers, daycare teachers

Department of Elementary Special Education

Students obtain a second-grade teaching license in special school (elementary) upon graduation.
The recent "Special Education Law for the Disabled" and the increase in welfare policies have increased demands for special teachers in elementary schools.

Major employment fields and companies

Public special schools and elementary school special classes, researchers in institutions for the disabled or the gifted, special education institutes and universities, early education, language therapy, and welfare centers.

Department of Secondary Special Education

Students obtain a second-grade teaching license for special education schools (secondary) education upon graduation.
High admission rate in public school special education teacher placement test
The recent increase in welfare policy has increased demands for special education teachers.

Major employment fields and companies

Special education public and private schools, special education class teacher, research lab and institution for special education, rehabilitation centers, education centers for children with developmental disabilities, etc.

Department of Rehabilitation Personal Training

In-depth education divided into two areas of rehabilitation training and personal training

Major employment fields and companies

Personal trainers, match trainers, rehabilitation trainers, daily sports instructors, professional sports instructors.

Department of Digital Contents

2 tracks system: Broadcast Video Advertising track + Performance Production track.
Joint lectures by field experts, with emphasis on on-thejob training, and one-on-one mentoring with senior students.

Major employment fields and companies

PD, scenario writer, broadcast screenwriter, performance director, stage director.

Department of Visual Design

Instruction in international and national competitions with personal practice and team project classes.
Internships at domestic and overseas companies, customized on-site training.
100% of graduates of the visual design major has records of awards in international and national design competitions.

Major employment fields and companies

Company PR departments, advertising agencies, C.I, B.I companies, publishing & editorial design.

Department of Sports Medicine

Korea's first and only health affiliated sports medicine department.
Joint lectures with the Konyang University Hospital and the College of Medicine.

Major employment fields and companies

Trainers, general health instructors, daily sports instructors.